Billing List

From INAP Dropzone API
Revision as of 20:38, 19 March 2012 by Jcohen (Talk | contribs)
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  • /billing/list/{$type}/{$start}/{$limit}


  • GET

Required Data Parameters

  • None

Optional Data Parameters

  • {$type} paid, unpaid or disregarded; the default is all.
  • {$start} Set the start number for the invoice call; the default is 0
  • {$limit} Set the limit number for the invoice call; the default is 100

Returned Data

stdClass Object(
  [success] => TRUE/FALSE
  [data] => stdClass Object(
    [total] => Total number of invoices on your LEAP account.
    [invoices] => Array(
      [0] => stdClass Object(
        [id] => The invoice ID.
        [created] => The date the invoice was created (unix timestamp).
        [due] => The date the invoice is due (unix timestamp).
        [overdue] => The date the invoice is considered overdue (unix timestamp).
        [datepaid] => The date the invoice was paid (unix timestamp).
        [paid] => If the invoice was paid (TRUE/FALSE).
        [amount] => The total amount of the invoice.
        [amount_unpaid] => The total amount of the invoice that hasn't been paid.
        [num_components] => How many items are on the invoice.
        [received_credits] => The amount of credit that was applied to the invoice.
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