Server Bandwidth

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The server bandwidth command will return a list the bandwidth usage for a server for a specified period. When this command is run it may take a few minutes for it to finish.



  • /server/bandwidth/{$start}/{$end}/{$serverid}



Required Data Parameters

  • {$start}: The start date and time of the bandwidth records to be retrieved (unix timestamp).
  • {$end}: The end date and time of the bandwidth records to be retrieved (unix timestamp).
  • {$serverid}: The server ID that is returned when using the list command.

Optional Data Parameters

  • None

Returned Data

stdClass Object(
  [success] => TRUE/FALSE
  [data] => stdClass Object(
    [intotal] => The total inbound bandwidth used for the specified start/end time.
    [outtotal] => The total outbound bandwidth used for the specified start/end time.
    [dailyusage] => array(
      [0] => stdClass Object(
        [in] => Inbound bandwidth used on a specific date.
        [out] => Outbound bandwidth used on a specific date.
        [timestamp] => The date the bandwidth usage was retrieved (unix timestamp).
        [date] => The date the bandwidth usage was retrieved (human readable).
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