Solution VMs List

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The solution VM list command returns a list of all the virtual machines that can be ordered from SingleHop.



  • /solution/vms/list


Required Data Parameters

  • None

Optional Data Parameters

  • None

Returned Data

stdClass Object(
  [success] => TRUE/FALSE
  [data] => Array(
    [0] => stdClass Object(
      [id] => The order form ID for the virtual machine.
      [name] => The name of the virtual machine.
      [type] => The type of virtual machine (publice, private).
      [price] => The price of the virtual machine.
      [vcpu] => The number of virtual CPUs included with the virtual machine.
      [storage] => The amount of hard drive space included with the virtual machine.
      [ram] => The amount of RAM included with the virtual machine.
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