Tandem Tandem

From INAP Dropzone API
Revision as of 19:25, 14 May 2012 by Jcohen (Talk | contribs)
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The tandem tandem command will return basic information about the tandem account including but not limited to: tandem url, server counts and SingleHop contact information.



  • /tandem


Required Data Parameters

  • None

Optional Data Parameters

  • None

Returned Data

stdClass Object(
  [success] => TRUE/FALSE
  [data] => stdClass Object(
    [id] => Tandem account ID.
    [uberid] => LEAP account ID.
    [apikey] => Tandem API key.
    [type] => Type of account.
    [fullservercount] => 
    [servercount] => 
    [autoprocess] => 
    [tandemurl] => Tandem access URL.
    [applybefore] => 
    [countbefore] => 
    [createdon] => Tandem account creation date.
    [domainstatus] => 
    [tandemactivity] => 
    [amname] => Tandem account manager name.
    [amphone] => Tandem account manager phone number.
    [amemail] => Tandem account manager email address.
    [ticketingtype] => Tandem support ticket option
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